BCC Alumni

The Bunbury Catholic College Alumni has a mission statement of “building community by celebrating the past, connecting with the present and creating a pathway to the future.”
Goals of the Association
- The College Hall of Distinction, held every second year, which honours students and staff members who have made outstanding contributions.
- Maintaining the College’s history, such as through the ongoing digitisation of yearbooks.
- Funding annual bursaries students currently at the College and awards for the highest achieving Year 12 students from the previous year.
- Promoting ex-student achievements and upcoming reunions through our Bulletin and Facebook page.
The BCC Alumni Committee
President – Malena Cahill
Vice President – Antonette Franco
Treasurer – Maria Trovato
Treasurer’s Assistant – Nola Jennings
Secretary – Margo Veen
Committee Members: Pauline Smith, Anna Novel, Maria Papalia, Alexis Woolhead and Julie Ranson.
The association meets between four and six times per year, on a Monday night at the College. Ex-students who feel they can assist are invited to contact the President by emailing contact@bcc-alumni.com to find out the date of the next meeting.

Alex Saffy – Paris Paralympics Bronze Medallist
When Alex Saffy left Bunbury Catholic College to pursue his para swimming dreams, he was only 16 years old, and now as an 18-year-old he holds a 2024 Paralympic bronze medal and an Oceanic record to his name after a fast finish in the men’s 100m butterfly S10.
We are immensely proud of Alex’s achievements in Paris where ‘The Bunbury Bullet’ made his Paralympic Games debut competing in S10 100m freestyle, SM10 200m individual medley and the butterfly — with his bronze-winning final in the early hours of September 4.
The whole College was supporting Alex through his campaign and it was our Sport Director Kelly Bastow who shared the race result at 2.30am Bunbury time.
Alex’s family was at the games and his mother Deb Saffy said Alex had a great experience in Paris.
“He executed his 100m butterfly well and swam an excellent race,” she said. The emotions were high when he realised he had achieved his goal and the sacrifices had all been worth it.
“He was disappointed with his heat swim in the 200IM but learning and experience will help with future performances. Considering this is a debut performance, he did really well to have such success.
“The atmosphere was electric! Such an experience for all of us. He had a great time at the village. A highlight was sharing an apartment village with a great group of teammates! Lifelong friendships and memories were made.
Alex has been very overwhelmed and appreciative with the support and messages, and has asked that we extend his thanks to the BCC community for all the support on his journey over the last few years to Paris 2024.”
Congratulations on your achievements Alex!

Economically Speaking
Our 2023 Year 12 ATAR Economics class members were inspired to take their studies further by an ex-student who gave them a summary of the economics concept of productivity.
Since graduating in the class of 2019 Michael Frayne has been studying Commerce at the University of Western Australia and has recently returned from studying at Cambridge University in England.
Having achieved a Bachelor’s degree this year, Michael has been working on papers dealing with the intersection of finance and economics in banking regulation.
His education has been boosted by the opportunity to reside at Girton College while studying at Cambridge, where he contributed to a paper and gained credits towards his Honours program.
Michael has a particular interest in bank regulation and the quantification of data pertaining to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the Great Depression.
During his visit Michael was pleased to discuss his post-College studies aspirations in commercial banking with Assistant Deputy Principal Justine Bow and Head of Year 10 Wendy Morris.
He described the feeling of presenting to Ms Bow’s Economics class as “weird” and said he felt that he should still be in his school uniform.
“I still can’t call them anything other than their teacher names,” he said.
“The College’s 50th Anniversary Reunion in October may be another opportunity to touch base with some of the College community I have drifted away from.”

Making Music
Brodie Stewart is teaching youngsters how to make it in showbiz.
The BCC Class of 2011 graduate is an award-winning piano and keyboard player, composer, musical director and audio engineer lecturing in Contemporary Music at the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).
In 2023 he returned to his hometown to be an adjudicator for the Bunbury Eisteddfod which he performed in as a school child.
“It was an honour to be part of the Eisteddfod, but on the ‘other side’ this time,” Brodie recalls. “There is a lot of talent in Bunbury, and so hopefully I’ve been able to guide them with some inspiration and things I’ve learnt along the way!”
Brodie was the Musical Director for a musical at age 15 and from there has risen to the forefront of the jazz and contemporary music scenes, where his musicianship has placed him in high demand by national and international artists.
Brodie’s extensive and impressive skill set as a musician regularly lands him in the position of Musical Director for bands. His ability to sight read, play multiple instruments, transcribe and write note-accurate charts, as well as his advanced technological and programming skills allow him to get the most out of any group.
Recently he has performed with Kav Temperley (Eskimo Joe), Katy Steele (Little Birdy), and Reigan Derry with Ministry of Sound Classical. Australian 90s pop sensation Human Nature chose Brodie to tour nationally with them in 2020.
Brodie is a recipient of the Channel 7 Award for Jazz for Best Graduating Recital in 2014 and a WAAPA graduate with First Class Honours in Jazz Performance.

Foundation Student
Br Mark Paul is a Marist Brother who was a foundation student when Bunbury Catholic College opened in February 1973, as one of the first coeducational Catholic high schools in WA.
That was 50 years ago and at the time there were two Bunbury campuses, what had been the Sisters of Mercy St Joseph’s High School next to the convent in Wittenoom Street and the Marist Brothers St Francis Xavier College on the site where Bunbury Catholic College stands today.
In recognition of our special 50th Anniversary year, we asked Br Mark to put some words together that hark back to the early days of the College…
What a time! 1973. Neil Diamond released his album ‘Hot August Night’!
I could not listen to him enough while working part time at Boans of Bunbury, in the Electrical Department selling the latest technology – first release colour TVs.
No sooner than they hit the shop floor, they were sold. If only I was working on a commission basis, I would have made a bundle!
It was also the year that BCC came to birth, offering what was then termed Leaving and Matriculation (Year 11 and 12) and girls were going to be in the mix! Excitement and trepidation prevailed as the group of 36 ventured into a new era of education at BCC.
We tried our best! Our classrooms were in a building, now demolished, located next to the Convent: Girls on one side of the classroom, guys naturally on the other! All of our own making and it stayed that way for the final two years of our schooling.
We used a lot of banter in trying to relate with the girls which didn’t wash well with them. All of our teachers were religious Brothers or Sisters with the exception of one. They were a very committed group of staff dealing with a motley crew who were easily drawn to the surf at nearby beaches.
I am very grateful for the opportunity of achieving a full secondary education in my hometown. Boarding school in Perth was not the alternative for me! I’m honoured to be in that first class to have Year 11 and 12 offered to us. A privilege, a wonderful gift received that I still cherish.