The Bunbury Catholic College P&F is a valued part of our College community. This parent organisation facilitates the involvement of family and friends in a range of initiatives that support students at the College.
The P&F is also affiliated with Catholic School Parents WA, the peak body representing and advocating on behalf of those parents who choose a Catholic education for their children in WA. They provide support and promote the good positive contribution of families while promoting their needs and aspirations regarding their children’s learning and wellbeing.
All parents are encouraged to become actively involved in the College by attending P&F meetings, which are held once a term in the Tom Hall Room, or by participating in P&F-led initiatives. The highlight of the year is the Art Extraordinaire arts exhibition, which raises valuable funds to support student wellbeing. The event serves as a platform for local artists to show and sell their artworks, and the Committee is always on the lookout for new volunteers to join this amazing group of people!