South West Career Expo

Designed to provide students and the South West community with plenty of solutions to career and further education questions, the South West Career Expo brings it all into one convenient location.
The South West Career Expo has become a staple in the calendar for schools and the community in the Greater Bunbury Region and, in May 2024, was the biggest South West Career Expo yet with 60 exhibitors and approximately 3000 visitors.
The event helps to create connections between students, their parents and the community with a variety of exhibiting universities, residential colleges, South Regional TAFE, registered training organisations, local government, employers and much more.
With exciting displays each year, offering resources, virtual reality experiences and opportunities to try-a-trade, there is something for everyone at the South West Career Expo.
Save the date! The 2025 South West Career Expo will be held on Wednesday May 7 at the Bunbury Catholic College Gymnasium.
We look forward to welcoming new exhibitors as well as the return of our regular exhibitors who help make this the premier careers expo in Western Australia.
If you would like to be part of this exciting event, and for all enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at the College on 9721 0000 or email Kiara.White@cewa.edu.au.