Enrol Now for Year 7 2027

Curriculum Year 9

In Years 7 and 8 the College provided a broad-based curriculum which exposed students to a range of subjects spanning all ten Learning Areas: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Physical and Health Education, Language, Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Design & Technology. In Year 9 students are encouraged to engage in a broad-based curriculum but are given the opportunity to select four specialist electives to study, two per semester. Academic streaming of students occurs in English, Humanities, Mathematics and Science.


All students will study:


In Year 9, elective choices allow students to focus their studies more toward areas of strength and capacity.

Students will complete two electives per semester, and they can select from courses within four different Learning Areas: The Arts, Languages, Physical Education and Design Technologies.

Each student will be enrolled in four electives for the year, two per semester, from any of the following Learning Areas:

The Arts

  • Dance Fitness
  • Drama Specialist
  • Music
  • Media Arts
  • Visual Arts


  • Italian
  • Indonesian

Physical Education

  • Outdoor Education
  • Elite Sports Program

Design Technologies

  • Food Decisions
  • Caring for Children
  • 3D Modelling (CAD)
  • Jewellery & Glass
  • Metal Design
  • Wood Design
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