Christian Service Learning

Bunbury Catholic College is a learning community in the Marist tradition, inspired by the teachings of Jesus and specifically Saint Marcellin Champagnat the founder of the Marist Brothers. As a Catholic school grounded in the teachings of the Gospels, our students learn that Christian life is a life of love, a life of service, and a life which seeks and promotes justice.
Christian Service-Learning challenges our students to embody the school motto:
“To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
It is within this vision that we offer students in Years 7-12 opportunities to make a positive contribution to society through engaging in the Christian Service Learning (CSL) program. This program provides formation for our students to develop as people who show ‘love of their neighbour’, through acts of service in their families, at school and in the wider community.
By engaging in the program, students grow in their awareness and understanding of the dignity of each person, and the importance of respecting all of creation to develop and promote justice. Through the program students are also able to deepen their understanding of the Marist charisms:
In the way of Mary: Working without reward of favour.
Love of Work: Devoting your whole self to the act of service.
Simplicity: Appreciating simple acts of kindness and compassion.
Presence: Being there for others and listening to their needs whole heartedly.
Family Spirit: Showing care and respect for all members of our community.
Through students’ involvement in Christian Service Learning at the College they will have opportunities to be involved with many community organisations including: Caritas, St Vincent de Paul Society, St Patricks Christmas Lunch, Relay For Life and other local organisations.
Christian Service-Learning Requirements
The requirements for Christian Service-Learning are set out in a developmentally appropriate basis.
Year 7 Students: Complete at least five (5) acts of at home service for people in your immediate family.
Year 8 Students: Complete at least five (5) hours of service for people in their immediate family and for the community as ‘neighbours’.
Year 9 Students: Complete at least ten (10) hours of in the community service for people that would be considered your ‘neighbours’.
Year 10 – 12 Students: During the final three years at the College, students need to complete a total of at least twenty (20) hours of community service.

For further information or possible partnerships for Christian Service Learning you are encouraged to contact Teacher Michael Chappell at the College or on michael.chappell@cewa.edu.au.