Enrol Now for Year 7 2027

Lower School Curriculum (Years 7-9)

The learning environment at Bunbury Catholic College fosters academic excellence. Our strong performance in academic and vocational programs is a testament to our learning culture and the commitment of our teachers and students.

Our aim is for our students to complete their time at the College feeling positive, self-assured and with the confidence to face the future with hope and optimism. To this end, we offer a balanced curriculum that challenges and supports every individual student, helping them to develop their skills and abilities, enabling them to achieve their maximum potential.

In keeping with our Catholic tradition, Religious Education is an integral part of the curriculum and is studied by all students. The core learning areas of English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science and Religious and Physical Education are complemented by a diverse range of electives in The Arts, Languages, Design and Technology, Digital Technology and Vocational Education and Training.

The Curriculum is balanced to develop the Spiritual, Academic, Cultural and Sporting potential of students. It also prepares them for living in an increasingly technological and changing world.

Specific details regarding the Curriculum for Years 7 to 12 are provided on the following pages and in the individual Handbooks.

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