The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) is a senior certificate recognised nationally in the Australian Qualifications Framework. The WACE is awarded to students who have successfully completed two years of senior secondary schooling and have achieved the required standard. The WACE is recognised by universities, industry and other training providers. All students receive a Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) when they complete Year 12. The WASSA formally records a student’s achievement in every course, qualification and program completed in senior secondary schooling.
The booklet provides parents and students with information about WACE and the scope and direction of the courses available at Bunbury Catholic College to:
- assist students in their course selection for Year 11 and Year 12, and
- aid Year 11 & 12 students in the transition into either further education or the workforce.
When making course selections for Year 11 and 12, student choices should reflect their current abilities and be targeted to enable them to pursue their desired career direction beyond school. Prior to choosing Year 11 courses, Year 10 students and parents:
- Read all of the material in the WACE booklet.
- Read the Year 11 Curriculum Booklet here.
- Be aware of the prerequisites for each course: this choice will rely on Semester 1 results; confirmation of course choices will depend upon final Year results.
- Be aware of course choices needed for particular careers and/or post-secondary courses.
- Talk to appropriate teachers and Heads of Department if they have a question.
- Appreciate that some courses may not eventually be timetabled if there is insufficient demand.